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Vatra. The hearth is an association of albanian americans created in 1912 that has historically protected the rights of the albanians in the united states as well as has endeavored in lobbying with the united states congress about the rights of the albanians throughout the world. Vatra sort by featured best selling alphabetically a z alphabetically z a price low to high price high to low date new to old date old to new grid view list view. Vatra sva naša ljeta deezer. Cu un ambient plăcut decor elegant cu un sistem de ventilaţie purificare a aerului şi aer condiţionat de ultimă generaţie restaurantul vatra din targoviste găzduieşte evenimente de la 300 350 persoane interior până la 500 persoane împreună cu terasa ce o înconjoară pe două laturi.
Borrowed from romanian vatră fireplace in turn possibly from albanian vatër definite form vatra.